Continuing education
The next license renewal in the State of Illinois will take place in fall 2024. Renewal includes attesting that you completed at least 24 hours of learning earned during the current license period (December 1, 2022, through November 30, 2024), and that 16 of those hours were in health, safety and welfare (HSW) topics. Also required among your 24 hours is one hour of sexual harassment prevention training from an Illinois-approved provider.
Beginning with the 2024 renewal, Illinois will require that one of your 24 hours be focused on high wind or natural disasters.
Newly licensed architects do not need to meet this requirement until their first full two-year license.
Check out the AIA Chicago events calendar for live learning. Online learning is available from many providers including:
Great Lakes ADA Center Training: AccessibilityOnline series
CE | STRONG (The Architects Newspaper and AN Interior)
Sexual harassment prevention training for licensed individuals is available from:
Employers looking for group training may consider these additional providers:
For AIA members, your annual requirement for AIA is to complete 18 hours of continuing education each calendar year, and 12 of those hours must be in HSW topics. These hours must be shown on your AIA transcript which can be accessed at www.aia.org >>> log in.
Don’t forget to self-report learning gained from providers other than an AIA Continuing Education Provider. Do that through your AIA record. Sexual harassment prevention training can be self-reported, for example.
Associate AIA members are encouraged to meet this annual requirement, but it is not mandatory. Emeritus AIA members are required to complete one hour of learning.
New AIA members do not need to meet this requirement until their first full year of membership but are encouraged to start participating now.
AIA Illinois is a registered provider of AIA-approved continuing education under Provider Number A129. All registered AIA CES Providers must comply with the AIA Standards for Continuing Education Programs. Any questions or concerns about this provider or their learning programs may be sent to AIA CES (cessupport@aia.org or (800) AIA 3837, Option 3).