Getting vertical infrastructure into the capital plan was a huge win for AIA Illinois, and all of the design-build professions, who worked through a coalition to have that funding included.
Mike Waldinger, Hon. AIA, came up with a wonderful idea of having hard hats with the coalition logos to distribute to the legislators and to the Governor for supporting vertical infrastructure in the capital plan.
Through the capital plan and the unanimous passage at all levels for SB 1684, the Architecture Practice Act, the 2019 regular legislative session proved to be extremely positive for architects!
To give further insight on what was accomplished this legislative session, from Rich Miller, Capitol Fax "...getting a big vertical plan accomplished, along with a massive gaming expansion, was just way beyond most expectations."
This win could not have happened without our member architects who attended our 2019 Prairie Grassroots and personally met with their district legislators at the Illinois State Capitol to discuss the importance of capital needs.
We are grateful for all of the hard work from our contractual lobbying team, Elaine Nekritz, John Amdor, and Steven Andersson. And also to Governor JB Pritzker, Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton, and Deputy Governor Christian Mitchell, for making vertical infrastructure a priority throughout Illinois. #AIAIL #buildingsareinfrastructuretoo #verticalinfrastructure #capitalbill #JBPritzker